Why Learn Self-defence?

I remember the first time I walked into a Krav Maga class almost 20 years ago. I was nervous, unsure of what to expect, but as soon as the class began, I knew I was in the right place.

Krav Maga is a self-defence system that was developed for the Israeli military. It's designed to be practical and effective in real-life situations. And that's exactly what I needed.

 As I trained, I learned how to defend myself against all kinds of attacks, but Krav Maga is way more than just physical training. It's also mental training. I learned how to stay calm under pressure, how to assess a situation quickly, and make the right decisions.

And most importantly, I learned how to be confident, to listen to my gut feeling if something felt wrong, and to stand up for myself. As a mother of two girls, I feel it is so important to help and empower women around us and support each other.

 Krav Maga has become a way of life for me. It's not just a workout or a hobby - it's a mindset, and that's the beauty of Krav Maga. It's not just about the training it’s also about making friends.

“My life passion is to empower others and give my students a voice”

I see Krav Maga as a tool to make peoples’ lives better, empowering students to feel more confident and improve their fitness. I am also a keen student, I never stop training. In our club, all instructors train together on a regular basis, and we also visit other IKMF clubs to share our knowledge with each other.

All of us are regularly updated by expert-level instructors from Israel to keep our knowledge updated.
