Frequently Asked Questions

  • Water and a towel. For the first session you won’t need any equipment, we will provide them. As you progress, we suggest you buy your own groin guard and other safety equipment/uniform for hygiene reasons.

  • You should wear something comfortable, and sporty. Once you join us, club uniform will be available for you to purchase.

  • The beauty of Krav is that anyone can do it because it is not just a sport. This is a system developed for civilians from all sorts of backgrounds, and we will tailor your training around your abilities.

  • Absolutely, this is the best way to progress at your own pace, to build your confidence, knowledge and fitness. You can email us to book one off or ongoing training sessions.

  • For full price list please contact us.

  • We don’t have competitions, but we do have gradings. Local and National level events are available all throughout the year, but no pressure, you don’t have to grade to progress.

  • Safety is our most important priority; all participants are briefed about the basic safety measures and will be guided on how to train without injuring their partners. Our club is fully insured by the British Combat Association.

  • Please don’t hesitate to contact us: